By challenging how a brand talks to (and is perceived by) the consumer, and by inspiring innovation, Sherry rallies others around insights and ideas, successfully overcoming barriers to create excitement, collaboration, and results. Whether the brand is a global leader or a local hero, Sherry puts her heart into everything she does.

In addition to The One Show, Gold & Silver Effies, International TV & Radio Festival, Andys, Pinnacle, Art Directors, Clios, Mobius awards, Sherry also recently received the prestigious INSPIRE award given by P&G for outstanding leadership and innovation. As an example, Sherry created the Charmin Bear for P&G’s Charmin bath tissue. With a 98% ROI, and tripling sales for this megabrand, Sherry’s iconic Charmin Bears branded Charmin worldwide, from the package to all communications, rebuilding the brand to #1.Sherry’s been interviewed by CBS Sunday Morning, NBC Dateline, CNN, WSJ, AdAge, Adweek, NYTimes, and NYSun, among others. She also served on P&G’s Creative Council & Mars Ad School. She speaks at industry events for the Museum of TV and Radio, Bloomberg, The Ad Club, Stern, Vassar, NY Advertising Week, and numerous panels and client seminars. Beyond award-winning pro bono branding campaigns for the Ad Council (Sherry created McGruff the Crime Dog), the ASPCA, and the Fresh Air Fund, Sherry has served on New York Boards for Soho Repertory Theater and self-chec for cancer prevention, and currently serves on the Adirondack Council, the Adirondack Initiative Leadership Team, and the Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts, as well as NYC 1361 Madison Avenue. An active alum, Sherry holds a B.A. in English from Vassar College. Sherry divides her time between the vibrancy of New York City and the chi of Blue Mountain Lake.